Después de que el tumulto mod empezara a escuchar música psicodélica y a convertirse en hippies, una rama mod llamada hardmord endureció sus costumbres (entre las que estaban buscar pelea con hippies y tener el pelo más corto). Aún así, continuaba asistiendo a conciertos y pubs, para bailar con los rude boys ya que a diferencia de los mods que se decantaban por un sonido más inglés, los hard mods preferían seguir escuchando música jamaicana. De esa hermandad salió el skinhead, en el año 69.
When the mods started to listen psychodelic rock music and became hippies, a new way of mod called hard mod began to hard their customs (almong were picking fight with hippies and have shorter hair). Anyway, hardmods continued to assist in pubs or concerts to dance with rude boys because hardmods preferred to continue listening jamaican music. That brotherhood left the skinhead in 1969.
El skin, con el pelo cortado a lo militar para dejar claro su ascendencia obrera en su indumentaria (por eso llevaban los pantalones doblados, como los pescadores, algo que no acabó de cuajar entre los mismos skins que aún estaban influenciados por lo mod y hardmod) y por ése motivo fueron fueron creados los suedeheads, pero a diferencia del hardmod que escuchaba ska, este perfirió early R&B, northern soul y early reggae.
The skins wore the haircut military to clarify their working-class ascendent in their aesthetic (wearing folded pants as fishermans, something that didn't convence between some skins because they were influenced by mods and hardmods) and that's why were created suedeheads but unlike hardmod who listened ska, suedeheads preferred early R&B, northern soul and early reggae.
When the mods started to listen psychodelic rock music and became hippies, a new way of mod called hard mod began to hard their customs (almong were picking fight with hippies and have shorter hair). Anyway, hardmods continued to assist in pubs or concerts to dance with rude boys because hardmods preferred to continue listening jamaican music. That brotherhood left the skinhead in 1969.
El skin, con el pelo cortado a lo militar para dejar claro su ascendencia obrera en su indumentaria (por eso llevaban los pantalones doblados, como los pescadores, algo que no acabó de cuajar entre los mismos skins que aún estaban influenciados por lo mod y hardmod) y por ése motivo fueron fueron creados los suedeheads, pero a diferencia del hardmod que escuchaba ska, este perfirió early R&B, northern soul y early reggae.
The skins wore the haircut military to clarify their working-class ascendent in their aesthetic (wearing folded pants as fishermans, something that didn't convence between some skins because they were influenced by mods and hardmods) and that's why were created suedeheads but unlike hardmod who listened ska, suedeheads preferred early R&B, northern soul and early reggae.
En cuanto a la estética, era un poco difícil diferenciarla, así que lo pondré en un formato más fácil.
In terms of aesthetics, was a little difficult to diferenciate skins and suedeheads, so I put it in a easier format.
In terms of aesthetics, was a little difficult to diferenciate skins and suedeheads, so I put it in a easier format.
El suedehead rescató el look mod y la renovó, mezclándola con algunos elementos rude-boy, como las gorras y los sombreros pork pie, los pantalones con doblado, abrigos crombies.
The Suedehead rescued and renovated the mod look, mixing it with some rude boy items like hats and pork pie hats, pants with folded and Crombie coats.
The Suedehead rescued and renovated the mod look, mixing it with some rude boy items like hats and pork pie hats, pants with folded and Crombie coats.
Entonces la estética suedehead fué esta: mocasines con cordones [Brogues] o sin [Loafers], pantalones sta-prest [rectos, de Levi's] algo más anchos que lo de los skins, con el popular dobladillo de todos los colores, camisas abotonadas [sobretodo Brutus y Ben Sherman], jerséis de cuello V y cazadoras Harrington. Cuando se arreglaban más, para el Saturday Shopping o para salir, escogían trajes de chaqueta de tres botones, entallados con solapa estrecha. Solían abrocharlos al máximo. Los pantalones del traje eran estrechos. Los tonos, que variaban según moda, eran más comunes los azul claro o tostados con líneas rojas. También incluían corbatas estrechas. Los calcetines eran blancos o rojos. El pelo era corto, pero con raya al lado.
Then the aesthetic Suedehead was this: moccasins laced [Brogues] or without [Loafers], trousers Sta-Prest [Straight, Levi's] somewhat wider than the skins, with the popular hem of all colors, shirts buttoned [ especially Brutus and Ben Sherman], V-neck sweaters and Harrington jackets. When they arranged more for the Saturday shopping or going out, they chose skinny three button suits. They used to buttoned maximaly. The suits were narrow. The tones, which varied according to fashion, were more common blue or roasted red lines. It also included close ties. The socks were white or red. The hair was short, but parted on the side.
Then the aesthetic Suedehead was this: moccasins laced [Brogues] or without [Loafers], trousers Sta-Prest [Straight, Levi's] somewhat wider than the skins, with the popular hem of all colors, shirts buttoned [ especially Brutus and Ben Sherman], V-neck sweaters and Harrington jackets. When they arranged more for the Saturday shopping or going out, they chose skinny three button suits. They used to buttoned maximaly. The suits were narrow. The tones, which varied according to fashion, were more common blue or roasted red lines. It also included close ties. The socks were white or red. The hair was short, but parted on the side.
Las chicas, también conocidas como ladies, vestían con los mocasines masculines [tanto loafers como brogues] pero incluían tiras de cuero, hebillas o lazos.En cuanto a las faldas, eran de 3/4 de longitud sobre la rodilla, de tartán. Las medias, tupidas siempre, eran rematadas por los calcetines que, al igual que los chicos, eran de colores blanco o rojo. Las camisas eran idénticas a las de sus homónimos masculinos. También combinaban la falda de 3/4 con los trajes chaqueta de 3 botones, asimismo como las crombies. El peinado, era muy similar al masculino, pero algo más largo, cortado a capas, con flequillo y mechones desde la sien conformando unas densas patillas. En cuanto al maquillaje, las suedehead girls se conforman con marcarse los ojos y color de pintalabios mate.
The girls, also known as ladies, were dressed in masculine moccasines [loafers and brogues] but including leather straps, buckles or bows. About skirts, were 3 / 4 length above the knee. The print was scottish tartan. The tights, always thick, were topped by the red or white socks, like the boys. The shirts were identical to those of their male counterparts. Also combined the skirt 3 / 4 with 3-button suit jacket also like Crombie. The hairstyle was very similar to male but slightly longer, cut into layers, with bangs and bangs from the temple forming a dense pin. As for makeup, suedeheads girls comply with marked eyes and matte lipstick color.
The girls, also known as ladies, were dressed in masculine moccasines [loafers and brogues] but including leather straps, buckles or bows. About skirts, were 3 / 4 length above the knee. The print was scottish tartan. The tights, always thick, were topped by the red or white socks, like the boys. The shirts were identical to those of their male counterparts. Also combined the skirt 3 / 4 with 3-button suit jacket also like Crombie. The hairstyle was very similar to male but slightly longer, cut into layers, with bangs and bangs from the temple forming a dense pin. As for makeup, suedeheads girls comply with marked eyes and matte lipstick color.
Más tarde, cuando los skins resurgieron unidos a lo hooligan y a la ultraviolencia, muchos skinheads desencantados volvieron a lo suedehead o otros utilizaron este estilo para evitar ser vigilado por la policía.
Later, when the skins reborn attached to the hooligan and ultraviolence, many disenchanted skinehads became Suedehead or others used this style to avoid being guarded by police.
Later, when the skins reborn attached to the hooligan and ultraviolence, many disenchanted skinehads became Suedehead or others used this style to avoid being guarded by police.
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