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Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Horror Market

Domingo, 31 de octubre · 14:00 - 21:00
Lugar Espai Jove La Fontana
Fontana 190
Barcelona, Spain
More info: ¡Click!

Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

Diastema trend

¿Qué es un diastema?
La wikipedia nos dice: Se llama diastema al pequeño espacio entre los dientes. Comúnmente se utiliza este término para referirse a la separación de los incesivos superiores. Generalmente, cuando podemos hacernos una idea de lo que es, siempre buscamos mentalmente a algún conocido que tenga ésa característica o a algún famoso, como por ejemplo Madonna o Ronaldo.

A priori, el diastema siempre se ha visto como un problema de ortodoncia leve, aunque muchas veces se suele arreglar. Aún así, hay quien decide dejárselo, como los anteriores.

Pero no fue hasta el 2008 que empezó a popularizarse dentro del mundo de la moda y el cine, pues últimamente dan más importancia a las bellezas genuinas o con particularidades especiales que a la belleza clásica. Ejemplos pueden ser Vanessa Paradis, Georgia Jagger o Anna Paquin.

En dicho año, el diseñador David Delfín, siempre tan postmodernista y provocador, decidió recurrir a la ortodoncia para reflejar así su estado anímico y ésto causó un boom, dando a lugar a una legión de modelos con diastema, de las cuales algunas llegaron a ser tops; como por ejemplo Lara Stone o Lindsey Wixson.

Es entonces cuando la fiebre se desata y algunos modelos new face se lo provocan para triunfar mientras otros (sobretodo hipsters y fashionistas) creen que es lo más cool del momento. 

Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

Tribus urbanas japonesas en Altair.

Hace unos meses anunciaba que la revista de viajes había redactado un artículo sobre las tribus urbanas, dentro del país en el cual estaba dedicado el número, en este caso, Japón. Como estuve desconectado todo el verano y no pude sacarlo (no me preguntéis porqué, pero la biblioteca no dejaba) lo he conseguido hoy. ¡Aquí os dejo los scans!

Revista Altair, nº65, segunda época.

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010


Mucho se ha dicho sobre esto. ¿Existen o no? ¿Fue sólo una invención de los medios? ¿Cómo puede se puede ser punk y nacionalsocialista a la vez? ¿Es más que una canción de los Dead Kennedys?

Podemos datar el nacimiento de los nazipunks en el mismo año que los punks. Es verdad que, para provocar,  grupos como Sex Pistols o Siouxsie and the Banshees utilizaban iconografía NS para provocar y escandalizar a la sociedad. Mucha gente cree que fué por culpa de éstos grupos que nacieron los nazipunks, confundidos por las esvásticas. 

Pero la realidad es muy diferente. El partido ultraderechista British National Front, creó una subdivisión para jóvenes llamada Punk Front, en el año 1978. Comenzó como un fanzine político e informativo, que desembocó con un alud de grupos nazipunks, como por ejemplo, The Dentist o The Ventz. Algunos de los grupos más importantes tocaron en el primer concierto RAC (Rock Against Comunism) de National Front, en 1979.

Aún así, en Londres se trataba de una escena minoritaria, pues habían muchos más punks que seguían a The Clash y derivados, políticamente contrarios al Nacional Socialismo y por éso (en otros motivos) se fué desmembrando. Lo poco que quedó se unió a la escena nacionalsocialista skin que acababa de nacer, mucho más consolidada. En el caso de EEUU los SHARP (Skinheads Against Racial Perjudices) contribuyeron en su desaparición.

¿Hay actualmente nazipunks? Probablemente sí aunque de forma muy underground. No todos los skins/ NS aceptan que haya nazipunks, pues ellos los consideran enemigos; aunque una escena no termina nunca de morir...

Bandas: Chaotic Pigss, ChaoSS bellas, Ódio Mortal, Midgards Söner...

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

BREVES: Movimiento de supein gyarusas

A veces los circles están parados durante semanas y aunque los reviso cada día, no hay ninguna novedad. Hasta que paro de hacerlo. Entonces se crean nuevos y se cierran viejos.

El primer circle cerrado es Kakumei, que sólo contaba dos miembros. Una de sus fundadoras, Ricchan (también conocida como Rian), abandonó el mundo circle. Lástima que apenas tuvieron repercusión; pues se las veía ilusionadas.

El segundo es Fantasy Circle, que se creó y se cerró velozmente, debido a un problema que sus creadoras decidieron abandonar el mundo gal. El circle, aún así, tuvo repercusión en la escena.

De las cenizas de Fantasy ha nacido Hanabaki, creado por las tres chicas: Aoi, Nora y Mine, donde más tarde se añadieron Chocola y Nobara. La mayoría son de Cataluña, menos ésta última, que se mudó recentemente a Alicante (y por éso es considerada miembro hermano (?).

¡Mucha suerte a tod@s!

La entrada de Supein Gyarusas ha sido actualizada.

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010


Muchos iniciados al mundo "gótico" les dicen siniestros. Otros, aseguran que son punks góticos y algunos simplemente creen que son punks. En realidad, se llaman deathrockers.

En la mayoría de libros -incluyendo libros temáticos sobre subculturas/tribus urbanas, su definición es escasa. Traducen un poco el significado del nombre (quedándose tan anchos como Rock de la muerte) y poco más. 

Para entender qué son los deathrockers primero debemos saber de dónde proviene la palabra. En un principio se denominaba a los grupos de rock and roll con una temática triste o oscura (en general, sobre la muerte) aunque al fin y al cabo, continuaba siendo rock and roll, ya que las bases musicales eran las mismas. Quizá por este motivo la palabra cayó en desuso completamente.

No fué hasta el 1980, en plena era post-punk (es decir, cuando el punk dijo adiós para los medios y los críticos amargados) cuando se reutilizó el nombre gracias al líder de la profética banda Christian Death, que se autodenominaron así. Se designaba a una especie de música que mezclaba el ritmo punk (donde provenía) con algún toque electrónico (típico del post-punk) y lírica gótica (de donde más tarde salió el rock gótico); aunque en ésta se solía hacer referencia a películas de serie B, zombies, depresiones o canibalismo. La escena duró hasta los años 90, donde se añadió más electrónica proviniente del EBM y el Industrial. En la actualidad, aún pervive perfectamente.

Estéticamente los deathrockers podrían considerarse el eslabón perdido entre el punk y el gótico. Suelen llevar generalmente un deathhawk, es decir, una cresta generalmente cardada y más decaída. Se puede teñir de colores o no. Como los punks, utilizan gran cantidad de piercings, pinchos y imperdibles. La chaqueta de cuero es un básico. Los pantalones suelen ser muy estrechos, con algún roto en el caso de los chicos. Las chicas, por su parte, suelen llevar medias raídas y algunas veces, corsé. Se admiten botas militares y guantes de brazo raídos en ambos sexos, incluyendo en éstos la superposición de ellos. El maquillaje suele ser más tétrico, generalmente de colores oscuros, tanto en chicos como en chicas. Aún así, una técnica que suelen utilizar ellas es la de pintarse unas rallas en las mejillas, como marcando más el aspecto cadavérico. Los estampados de leopardo y zebra son comunes.

Sus bandas más escuchadas son desde clásicos como Specimen, Christian Death o Alien Sex Fiend hasta los más famosos actuales como All gone is dead, Cinema Strange y Bloody Dead and Sexy.

Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

BREVE: Barcelona es Okupa.

 Es de dominio público que Barcelona es la capital con más índice de okupas hay en España. Bajo la filosofía de no pagar por un derecho de primera necesidad, que es el techo, los okupas cada vez son más noticias.

Des de el desalojo del Banco Banesto, okupado días antes de la vaga general (29-S), con el lema "La banca nos asfixia; la patronal nos explota; los políticos nos mienten, CC.OO. y UGT nos venden", éstos fueron desalojados el mismo día de la vaga, causando de ésta forma, un caos en el centro de Barcelona.

Pero las noticias de los okupas siguen siendo constantes estas semanas, al haber quejas de los vecinos en un barrio barcelonés cercano a las Corts, por los ruidos (conciertos, reuniones, etc...) a las altas horas de la noche. Los okupas, responden que se sienten amenazados por los vecinos puesto que ya se han encontrado con algún altercado y parece que barajan las posibilidades de irse de allí. 

A todo eso, siempre hay el clásico lema squatter: un desalojo, otra okupación.

Enfrentamientos en la colonia Castells [Les Corts];; El Periódico

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

Camping Kitty

Took my cat camping on Mt. Lemmon here in Tucson for a few days. I wasn't sure how she would do out in the wilderness, but I wanted to see. So I packed up her food, some litter, stuck her in a harness with a long leash attached and we went camping!

As I set up camp, Marilyn hopped into a chair and nuzzled her way under a pile of blankets, pillows and jackets, and stayed there for the remainder of the day. I had her on a harness attached to a long leash that was anchored at camp so she could move around, but she wasn't interested in that just yet. She just sat in the chair shivering. So, I pulled her up close to the fire.. She really didn't seem to like the crackling flames, but it was too cold and scary for her to jump out of that chair. It was too cute!

M got more adventurous the next day and decided it was okay to go on a walk. She really enjoyed all the new smells and seemed so excited to look at everything. I have taken her to other people's houses and to the park before, but this was her first time in such a different environment. She seemed excited to explore and I was highly entertained by it. I had myself a camping kitty!

Most of the time Marilyn was more than happy to stay in the tent. So, if I didn't want to keep my eye on her, I would just zip her up in there. It worked perfectly! Especially when it was time to go find & chop up some more wood.

I love chopping wood! I feel so productive when doing it and its a great stress reliever. I got down with that axe and did some choppin'! Kept the fire blazing all day and night :) Which was quite necessary, because I'm a big baby when it comes to being cold. Most of the time I was just like M on the first day...in a chair close up to the fire, huddled in blankets. If the fire started to die down a bit I was throwing another log on asap!

I got to relax and read a lot. It's so peaceful to sit outside and read without any city noise around. It was during mid week too, so there wasn't any other campers around either. I finished the book World War Z by Max Brooks! It's a big deal for me to finish a book, because I'm well known to start several books throughout the year and never finish a single one.

This book was awesome! An intelligently written account of the zombie apocolypse, as if it was the future and humans just barely survived the "Z War". It's a collection of interviews about the war from numerous survivors from various countries. It was a fantastic book! However, I don't know if I would recommend reading about a zombie war at night out in the woods. Every time I heard the smallest noise, which happened often, I would shine my flashlight away from the book and into the woods scanning the trees, ready to pick my axe and lop off a zombie head at any moment.

Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

Bye bye, Ayabie.

Últimamente los fans del visual están de luto. Primero la separación de An Café y luego la ruptura de Chariots. Ahora es el turno del grupo oshare Ayabie. Después de varios obstáculos, sus caminos seguirán por separados.

Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

Road trippin' through Cali after Burningman

Once the festival was over, it was time to pack up and hit the road.. I crammed all my camping gear and 2 full grown men in my car...not an easy task! The car was so packed with stuff that things came falling out after us when we got out of the car!

I had scheduled some shoots through California on our way home to AZ so we had a nice road trip ahead of us. My boyfriend Josh had never been on the road with me before, so it was exciting for him to see a little more of the "modeling world" and get a better idea of what I do day-to-day while I'm on the road. Matthew, London's best friend from high school, had also joined us. This kind of trip was nothing new to Matt since he had been on the road with London several times before, but it was my first time traveling with him. He is a lot of fun to be around and highly entertaining, so it was wonderful having him along :)

My first shoot of the trip was in a gorgeous area of Sacramento. It was at a park with a large lake surround by big beautiful trees. It was real early in the morning, the air was crisp and their were ducks waddling to the water. It was so beautiful and peaceful there. It felt wonderful to get undressed and press my body up against the trunk of a gigantic tree. I felt very peaceful that morning, like I was one with nature. After the shoot, I went back to the hotel, rounded up the boys and we headed north through the gorgeous Nappa Valley to Harbin Hot Springs.

Harbin is an AMAZING place! It's a nude resort built around natural hot springs in a mountain north of Napa. There are both cold and hot pools and the hottest one is 115 degrees! The natural minerals in the water are also healing and nurturing to the skin, body and mind. There are cabins and community rooms to stay in or you can camp, which is what we did. It was a nice change of environment from camping at Burningman where there is no vegetation or even rocks or dirt, just the white dust. We camped across a stream under a bunch of trees. Wild turkey and deer strolled through our camp site often, which I thought was awesome! We spent the next two days bathing in the pools (which are available 24/7), eating & laughing with the other guests, dancing, hiking and attending drawing & yoga classes. When we left Harbin, I felt wonderful! Refreshed and Rejuvenated! It was a nice revival to get me back into model mode and I felt ready to take on California!

Matt and Josh got along great on the road and were able to entertain each other while I was busy shooting, which was real nice. We had fun adventures through San Fransisco and a hilarious time at a motel on our way to LA. To save money I only got a room for one person, but the room ended up being directly across from the office. I had a hell of a time sneaking the boys in, especially since the manager kept taking smoke breaks outside in direct view of the room. It was a crazy night, but we got away with it ;)

Once we were in LA we stayed with Denny, a good friend that London and I stay with whenever we're in town. He is a fantastic host and I always look forward to visiting him.The best part was that Denny had a new kitten!!! I could not contain my excitement. It was such a great surprise, especially since I did not think Denny was the type to get a kitten. Apparently, the kitten was from a stray litter that was living on top of the roof next door. The kitten climbed down Denny's tree one day and walked right in through the back door and made himself at home. The kitten was so cute and turned out to be really smart, so Denny let it stay. And since the dad is believed to be a tomcat, Denny named the kitten Tomson for Tom's son. So cute! I adopted him as my home away from home kitty. I can't wait to see him again, although I know he won't be so itty bitty the next time I see him.

Since the city is so huge, shooting in LA is long and exhausting. I was too tired to go out at night, but Matt met up with some friends and got to experience some LA night life, which made him very happy. Josh hung out with Denny a lot, learning about printing film photography and playing blow darts. I was happy they got along so well so I didn't have to drag him to all my shoots.
I did take him to a fun one though! Josh got to go with me to a full day of shooting with WetandMessy.com. He got to see me pied, painted, shot with whip cream and take a slim bath. He even got to get up on a ladder and pour a bucket of chocolate pudding over my head. I think he enjoyed himself quite a bit that day ;)

After about a week in LA, Matt flew to Austin to stay with London and contemplate the next move in his life, and Josh and I started the drive home to Tucson. On the way we stopped in Joshua Tree National Park to camp for a night. It was so beautiful there and we were able to build campfires, so we stayed another two nights. The giant Joshua Trees and rock formations are unlike anything I've seen before. It is a gorgeous place and the rocks are so much fun to climb on. We hiked and climbed a lot. I can't wait to go camping there again!

Black Rock City 2010

My third year at Burningman was yet another magical experience!

This year's theme: Metropolis
Popluation: 51, 500
(about the size of downtown San Fransisco)

I settled in at 6:45 & A, which is prime real estate in BRC, like achieving Boardwalk & Park Place in your first few moves of Monopoly. Still not even sure how I found such a perfect spot, other than it was meant to be. Our prime locale kept us super close to Center Camp and the Esplanade, which means quick access to ice, playa info, recycle camp and all the main camps in town, such as medical, rangers, post office, bike repair shop, radio station, etc. This part of the city is basically the downtown of BRC, with Center Camp featured in the middle, the heart of the city.

Under the colorful tent and flags of Center Camp I feel as if I am no longer on this earth, but transported to a timeless, magical place far away as I watch people from all over the city converge in various forms of song, dance, poetry, art, exercise, movement, laughter, relaxation and sleep. I found myself at Center Camp many more times this year. It was great to recharge my batteries with a nap on a random couch, to wander around gazing at art pieces, watch beautiful people hula hoop, or to let everything go in dance during a musical performance. Ahhh, I love the serenity of Center Camp and am glad we camped closer to it this year so I could experience it more :)

Other great benefits of our camp location was the quick & easy access out to the playa & closeness to the porta-johns. We were also one block from Heebee Geebee Camp for steam baths, yoga, dance, meditation....all around goodness and happiness for the body & mind...one of my favorite camps. The best part however, was the awesome neighbors I found myself surrounded by! They were all amazing people and I was thoroughly entertained by them. They continually surprised me with endless amounts of food, music, stories, knowledge, laughter and love.

Between...my camp mates and I,

the large group from Chicago/California,

the small group from Israel,

the couple from Santa Fe,

a lone wolf from Japan,

and the veteran Burner, who always had the good times rollin'...

we had everything covered!

There was gourmet food, drinks, drums, singing, great stories, massages, stilts, electronic skateboards, jumping, hanging, hammocks, makeup, companionship, laughter and all around good times! I will never forget the people I met this year and I hope to meet up and camp with them all again next year :)