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Senin, 27 Juli 2009

No Brakes...Holy Crap!!!

On my way home from the workshop in NJ, one of the bridges to Long Island was closed, so all traffic was diverted into the city, through the Lincoln tunnel. I was in pure stopped traffic for about 10 minutes when I decided to hit the trip meter and see how far I was going. Turns out I went a whopping 5 miles in 1 hour. That is nuts! Especially after a long, draining day! I just wanted to be in bed.

Finally, traffic gets moving and I feel like I’m getting somewhere. I’m about to enter the tunnel. Ok, I’m almost through the city, it should be smooth sailing from here. Traffic at the beginning of the tunnel was moving nicely for a little while and then I saw the line of red taillights light up in front of me. Luckily I began breaking early…or tying to break that is. The brake pedal went completely to the ground and I was not stopping.

Holy Shit! I’m going to hit this car in front of me! Quickly, I pulled the E-brake, hoping to stop….but no! The car kept plowing forward at the same speed and the car in front of me was approaching quickly. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I can’t have a pile up accident in London’s car! In a tunnel of all places! This cannot be happening to me right now! Luckily the left lane was being cleaned and it was vacant. I jerked the wheel plowing over the rubber poles that divided the lanes and threw the car into park. It finally stopped as several cars honked their horns at me. I didn’t crash. Holy shit! I didn’t crash!

Now, what to do? How do I call London and tell her that the Mustang has taken a shit, once again. It needs to move her down to Austin, TX in a few weeks; she can’t have it break down right now! And I’m stuck in a freakin’ tunnel in the middle of New York City. What the hell?

I catch London right before she was about to fall asleep. She says to get it towed to the nearest shop and her and Pat would start driving to the city to get me. A nice gentlemen stopped traffic and asked me what had happened. He then continued on to inform the cops at the end of the tunnel that I would not be moving and needed assistance. The cops hooked up the car and towed it out of the tunnel. I then had to sit on the side of the road and wait for a real tow truck to take me to a shop. This is a time I really wish I had AAA! So, $94 later and 2 tow trucks rides I made it to a Pep Boys. London and Pat arrived right after I got there so I didn’t have to sit in the empty parking lot. I could tell I wasn’t in the best of neighborhoods and it was about 2, maybe 3am at this point, so I was relieved.

London was happy I was okay and happy I didn’t crash the car…but I know she was quite upset it was non-drivable. Her car is like her best friend, it’s taken her around this country twice and then some. Plus, with the big move to Austin coming up…it was a horrible time to break down. She'll probably need to rearrange her shoots for the next few days too. What a huge mess!

I was still a little shaken up from the whole experience when we got back to the house in Northport. I was awake until 5:30am. All I could think about is how lucky I am that the brakes went out when they did. Next to an open lane, in slow traffic, out of the rain….any other place I had been driving could have led to a real nasty accident. It was definitely a time to reflect and count my blessings.

I hope the Mustang is okay and won’t cost too much to fix! London is awaiting a call from Pep Boys to see what the real damage is. We’ll probably have to cancel our shoots this the morning too…ugh! I hate canceling, especially when I’m counting on the money. Bummer man!

Keeping my fingers crossed for an easy fix… London needs her Mustang!

Minggu, 26 Juli 2009

No more Workshops!

Today is the day of Greg Price’s workshop in NJ. London and I are staying with her boyfriend’s parents in Northport Long Island. It’s about a two hour drive to the workshop. London gets up, gets in the shower….I think we are ready to leave…she says,

“I’m not going! No, no, no….nothing you can say Tracy will make me go…Here, take the keys, take my car….if you want to go, just go.”

I didn’t want to drive by myself and London offered to drive me, but then what would she do? I knew she really did not want to go to this workshop. I wish I had taken her up on that drive, or possibly have just stayed at home too…

I leave a little after 10am and get to the workshop a little after 12pm. Phew, only a few minutes late! They should be happy to see me though...I showed up!

I’m thinking there must be a small group of photographers at a set waiting for me. But no, they are all over the place! The whole studio is completely disorganized. It was crazy! No one gave me any direction, so I went straight to the dressing room and began putting on a sexy outfit. I met some of the other girls and we all figured out that we were on our own and had to just do whatever. Wow, not what I was expecting from a workshop that is held twice every month!

There must have been 25 or more photographers running around and only 5 models showed up. We would put on an outfit and then go to a set and have the photographers crowd around and shoot us. Since there weren’t many models, and half of us would be in the dressing room at any given time, the mass of photographers would usually crowd around one model. I swear, I felt like an animal at a zoo!

“Tracy, over here! Look here! Smile here! Don’t smile! Smile. Look over here! Tracy. Tracy. Sit up, lay down, put your feet up, Tracy, look at me, over here, 1-2-3, 1-2-3”

…the photographers would count out loud so you would know who was shooting and who would be taking the flash…but it didn’t work too well. It was a pure turkey shoot!

I was hoping for some group rotations, assigned sets, an actual workshop where the photographers could learn about lighting and stuff. But no, it was just a mass of people thrown in a studio and left to do whatever they want. I still worked hard though. I smiled all day, I went through a variety of outfits, poses, facial expressions…I tried my best to connect with each photographer and not get overwhelmed by the pure ridiculousness of it all. I kept up my energy and remained bubbly and approachable.

The incentive was that after the workshop, there were six private one-on-one sessions photographers could hire us for. I filled up all my slots and was excited to make some extra cash.The photographers that hired me for the private sessions were all wonderful and I enjoyed those shoots. It was quite relieving to work with just one camera! But again, there was complete disorganization. The sessions didn’t start on time and no one knew where anyone was. The photographers didn’t get the studio sets they reserved… I was so ready to get through this and get home! The private sessions should have only lasted until 7:30pm at the latest. But I didn’t get done until 9:30pm!

Luckily, the sessions I had were great and I should be getting some wonderful images from them. I’m particularly looking forward to the images from Mark Thomason, a well-known, talented photographer with a wonderful British accent and Marcus Simpson, a newcomer to shooting models, but he had gorgeous Indian fabrics, a fan to blow them and my hair all around me, and beautiful soft lighting. The images should be gorgeous!

So, by the time I get paid, sign model releases and pack up my wardrobe that had exploded all over the dressing room, it was 10:30pm and a heavy rain storm was taking place. I run out to the car, call London to let her know I was on my way back and off I went. I should be back and in bed by midnight, I thought. There can’t be much traffic this late on a Sunday night. Ha! Was I ever wrong!

Sabtu, 25 Juli 2009


Having dinner with Pat’s family in Northport Long Island! My first experience eating fresh lobster! Hope I can make you jealous.

NY Adventure continues...

Friday night was our only night to go out and paint the town red. At first, I didn’t want to go out because I had been exhausted from traveling around the city from shoot to shoot all day and we had an early shoot in the morning. But London said you can’t do this much work in this city and not have some fun, social time. So I agreed to go out. We met one of Pat’s friends, Dev, a bar called The Hairy Monk. It was not our type of place, a typical frat bar, but Dev was nice and I found a video game machine that had erotic photo hunt on it. I love that game! London I always have an amazingly good time playing it and can’t stop laughing at the horrible photos. Who in the world was the photographer that sold this game the photos? They are so bad! But, it wouldn’t be as amusing otherwise.

Xandra, my boyfriend’s cousin, and practically my own family, had recently moved to the city and she met us at the bar. I was very happy to meet up with her because I hadn’t known if I’d see her with how busy I was. As soon as she arrived we high-tailed it out of that bar and onto the next. We met up with some ModelMayhem people, Markman, LT Smash, and Stephy C at a nice looking, but super loud bar that played horrible music. If it hadn’t been for the free drinks and great company Markman’s group treated us to, we would’ve left. You couldn’t hear yourself think in that place, let alone have a conversation with anyone!

Next stop was food! After several drinks it was time to start soaking up that sourness in our tummies. I have no idea what street we were on but we went to a famous place for french-fries at 3am. All I can remember is the address outside said 123 Fries! The fries were absolutely delicious. I got lemon-dill, Xandra got honey mustard and London got something yummy I can’t remember…I think it was parmesan peppercorn. Definitely the best fries ever! After eating, London was done for the night. She hopped in a cab to take off for bed. I had to say goodbye to Xandra so I walked with her down the street to one of her favorite bars and met some of her friends. I can’t wait to come back to the city and hang out with this girl more. She knows where the cool spots are!

So, I said my goodbyes to my cousin and hopped in cab toward Central Park West. Since London had the keys, she stayed outside on the front steps talking on the phone till I go there. I grabbed the keys from her, walked into the building and started up the stairs. But as I was trudging up the steps, looking at the door, something seemed very strange. The doorknob was on the left side of the door instead of the right??? I scratch my head and look back down the stairs at London. Yep, she’s there on the steps… must be at the right place, I tell myself. But, no! I wasn’t. I was in the building next door. London proceeded to laugh her ass off.

A few hours later I wake up still drunk. Have to cancel our shoot. But it was totally worth a night out in the city! As London said…
”you can’t work this much in this city and not go out and have some fun. You’d go crazy. You gotta go out!” Glad I did. It was great to see family too. I wish Xandra all the best of luck in the city. She’ll be looking for a new place to live this week. But as she told me “I don’t know where I’m living next week, but I don’t care! I love this city and I’m never leaving”

She’s so great! I love her enthusiasm =)

Jumat, 24 Juli 2009

NYC Adventure

After a few days of staying in Long Island and riding the Long Island Railroad back and forth, we moved into the city and stayed with Jeff near central park west. It was great to stay by the park, but unfortunately I was so busy and all over the place every day, I didn’t get to really enjoy it. Next trip I’ll have to make more time for enjoying the park. That is a must do! Jeff is Topless in New York on Model Mayhem. Did you know it’s actually legal for women to walk around topless in NYC? How awesome is that! He shoots girls topless out in public.

London and I were going to shoot with Jeff, but the timing didn’t work out. So, I owe him a shoot next trip to the city. But I did introduce him to Scrabble on Facebook, and that seemed to make him very happy. Have you played? It’s so fun! You can start a Scrabble game with your Facebook friends and just move whenever you want/happen to be online. It’s a game that’s always there. Or you can sit at the computer all night and finish a game if you want. London got me hooked on it. Actually her boyfriend Pat did. He is a wickedly talented player and now it is a new challenge for me to get good and kick his ass. That’s right Pat, one day I will Kick Your Ass at Scrabble…One day….

While in the city I was with London and we rode the subways all around the city together. It was nice to do it with her for a few days, because eventually, I had to go out and do it on my own. Eventually, I became a subway ninja! It’s not that hard to get around once you get the hang of it. I only got lost once. Well…not really lost. I knew where I was, just got on the wrong train and had to back track. Damn, express trains. I got on an express when I was supposed to be on a local. Anyway, the subway lines are fun! London was telling me about the people that actually live underground in the city, deep below the subway lines. She read about them in a book called The Mole People. It seems so interesting to me. I’ll have to pick up this book!

Had lots of shoots of all different kinds. My favorite, and the one most worthy of writing about, is the “stuck” fetish shoot with Jamie Daniels in Brooklyn. Although I think it should be called “sticky” fetish. This is where I’m eating a jar of marshmallow fluff and I get so much of it in my mouth that I need to get it all out. Then I proceed to get my hands stuck in it and it gets all over the place. I’m reading a magazine at the time so I proceed to get the pages of the magazine stuck all over me. It was the most ridiculously funny shoot I’ve ever done! London caught some of it on video on her phone. She had to bite her tongue not to bust up laughing at me. After the shoot all the people there that helped film it signed the jar of Fluff and I got to bring it home. Too funny =)

Kamis, 23 Juli 2009

Tweet! Tweet!

I was avoiding signing up, but London forced my hand. Twitter is now a new addiction!

Follow me @TracyTheTiger

Rabu, 22 Juli 2009


La tradución literaria serían cabeza remachada, pero es más conocido como Industrial gótico.

Como todos sabemos, el industrial se diferencia musicalmente del gótico por tener una base electrónica donde los sonidos eran cercanos a máquinas, repeticiones y modificaciones de sonido.

Estéticamente también hay una gran diferencia tanto en el goth como en el cyber. Los rivetheads (o industrials) visten de una forma muy militar: botas, pantalones militares y camisetas (generalmente negras, sin mangas o de rejilla).

Como complementos pueden utilizar máscaras antigas, guantes de cuero, púas, cinturón de balas o las típicas lentillas azules...pero siempre sin demasiado color (a diferencia de los cybers). Incluso pueden llevar chalecos antibalas.

Las chicas suelen llevas las mismas botas metálicas, medias rotas y falda, con un corsé también metálico.

El pelo suele ser largo, negro y liso, rapado por un lado o directamente cresta (tanto el mohawk, como el death hawk que es la cresta caidonga de los postpunkis/deathrockeros). Se dan casos de dos o tres crestas incluso en la cabeza.

Senin, 20 Juli 2009

Quick thought on NYC...

It is my first time to the city for modeling. I love how crazy this city is. It’s so busy! There are so many people, shops, buildings, cars, busses, taxis, trains & subways. The place is nuts. Everyone is moving so fast and the city never sleeps! But people are surprisingly very nice and polite; much different than L.A. I definitely enjoy this city more.

I always thought of myself as a west coast girl, but I definitely prefer NYC to L.A. The only thing L.A. has is the movies. I love movies! But you know; NY produces a lot of great movies and actors too. Isn’t Kevin Smith’s crew, and the Happy Madison crew all NY based!? Anyway, I made it to most of my shoots, got to meet a lot of great people and of course had plenty of fun with my favorite pal London!

I *heart* NY

Minggu, 19 Juli 2009

Ass Kittens in Bayport!

London picks me up from the LaGuardia airport looking like death... I'm so happy to see her, but damn! "What kind of night did you have?"

She had arrived at the place we were staying in Bayport Long Island the night before and was recovering from "initiation". I guess in order to stay at this house you must begin with a shot of Jager and hanging your panties from the ceiling above the bar.

With early shoots in the city and long train rides to get to them...this could be a dangerous place to stay. But fun!

"Let's go! I can't wait to meet these guys!"

Little did I know that I was in for a major ass-kitten...

Frog, a photographer and moderator from ModelMayhem, lives with 2 other roommates in a huge house on the water. Literally, the ocean and his boat, is in his backyard. Nice big porch overlooking the water, surrounded by a lush lawn lined with huge, green trees. It was so peaceful; always a cool breeze, a friendly face, super comfy couches and a fully stocked bar. I was in heaven! It was one of the most comfortable places I have stayed.

Frog’s roommate Stu, is also a photographer and a great person to hang out with. I really wish I could have hung out with them more! I only got to be around to party one night. (Yeah, I know...I thought it would be party, party, party every night. But thank goddness it wasn't. I had to work, you know!?)

So, the first night I arrived, I had my Yeagar shot and then some. There was a delicious white chocolate shot that was, oh so delicious! I don't know how London was still taking shots after doing this the night before. She's such a pro! Stu really wanted my panties on the ceiling but there's no way I was hanging up the panties I had been wearing all day in the airports, on the planes. Eww! So I lifted my skirt and took an "ass-kitten" instead. Hanging from the bar they have a paddle shaped like a cute cat. But damn, the spankings can be harsh. I had pussy prints on my ass! You could see the outlines of the ears and everything. But I got to give my share too ;) HaHa! Good times :)

One day while London was busy shooting in the city I hung around the house and did a short photo shoot with Frog. We had some fun with pretty colors, a washing machine and suds. Lots and lots of suds! It was a lot of fun and I’m looking forward to these photos ; )

I didn't shoot with Stu, but hope to next month at Fetishcon. I hope to meet up with him and his favorite redhead Sienna Aldridge for some fun times and maybe a few pictures! I only got to meet Sienna briefly, but she was there to witness my ass-kittnes! I’ve admired her pictures and was very pleased to see that she is so much more gorgeous in person. She is so tall and beautiful, and her hair is like fire. It’s the brightest, prettiest set of red curls I’ve ever seen. I hope we get to hang out more at the Con!

Selasa, 14 Juli 2009

Driving South

After flying into Dallas, Dave and I picked up Jacqueline and headed for Alabama. Dave has some work to do in Huntsville and a boat he needs to pick up from a lake house near by. While visiting we plan on doing a few photos shoots at the lake house! It sounds like a great place to stay, I'm excited :)

On our way through the south, we stopped at a huge adult store located across the street from a gas station off the freeway in Louisiana. We wanted to see if we could see our girl London Andrews' toy display.

That's right, London is on the cover of a strap-on box. She looks damn hot too! I think it is awesome, so I of course had to take everyone's picture with it! Dave of course had to brag to the cashier that he knows and is friends with the model on the box. It was too much fun :) If only London could have been there herself, LOL!

Minggu, 12 Juli 2009

Super Dave!

I can’t wait to fly to New York and travel the Big Apple with my favorite traveling buddy London Andrew! There’s only one problem…

I can’t afford the plane ticket.

My rent is beyond overdue…I got my first eviction notice! It was a slightly traumatizing, but I’ve been trying to keep that to myself…I have several other bills, including a very annoying student loan and money owed to my mom. I really hate owing friends and family :(

Anyway, Woe Is Me…I’m sure I’m not the only one with these kinds of problems. The thing is, I can make money modeling around NYC to help catch up on my debts; but I need to get there first…

So, here comes my knight in shining armor! Dave, the producer of LoneStarDamsels.com hired me for a couple of clips for his site a few days before my New York trip, and paid me in a flight to the big city! He's going to fly me into Dallas, we're gonna drive to Alabama with another model, and then I'm flying to NYC! I am very thankful Dave is there to help me out and extremely happy to not let down London. She did not want to travel the city alone and I had been telling her for weeks that I would make it! Plus, I really want to see her. I start to really miss her after a while.

So YAY! I’m headed to New York City!!! Thank you very much Dave! See you in a few days ;)

Jumat, 10 Juli 2009


Posiblemente una de las grandes revoluciones urbanas del país nipón fué el bodycon (ボディコン ). Como suele pasar en varios términos japoneses, es una contracción de body conscious, es decir, consciente del cuerpo.

Su aparición fué más o menos al final de los 80, más concretamente en 1986, quizás en Osaka.

Se trataba de unas chicas que se empezaron a dar cuenta que Japón estaba cambiando, modernizando, al igual que su sociedad. Los cánones de comportamiento clásicos japoneses dicen que una mujer debe ser sumisa en el matrimonio (también se tiene que casar y ser ama de casa). Pero se dieron cuenta que también tenían poder en la relación.

Esa necesidad de cambio fué la que originó la revolución: emepezaron a comprar ropa muy cara (en Rocky America), pero a la vez muy sexy y provocativa. Minivestidos, botas altísimas con tacones, pantalones de tiro bajo, tops para enseñar el ombligo.

Adoraban la ostentación (se compraban joyas tan caras como elegantes) y las marcas haute couture occidentales como Chanel o Dior.

El sitio de reunión más famoso eran las discotecas, sobretodo la Juliana's Tokyo (tambien son conocidas como Julianas), una discoteca enorme que incluía grandes plataformas, donde se subían a bailar provocadoramente, eran go-gós amateurs. Muchas de ellas después encontraron trabajo de eso.

Un complemento ideal para hacerlo eran los abanicos, más grande de los normales, tanto de plumas como dibujados, de colores chillones.

En los años 90, la continua progesión de Japón hacia occidente, hizo que desaparecieran, pero sembraron lo que más tarde serían las gyarus.

"Visto así porque quiero. Sé que llevar estos mini vestidos no me va a dar un bonito apartamento ni me va a convertir en presidenta de ninguna compañía. Visto así porque es divertido"

Kamis, 09 Juli 2009

The melbourne shuffle

El shuffle es un estilo de baile en Melbourne (Australia) en los 90, cuando empieza el movimiento rave. Se bailaba inicialmente con la música trance y el techno. Más tarde salió de las raves underground para empezar a ser un fenómeno de masas.

Los adictos a este baile se suelen juntar en shuffles crews, en grupos, que después compiten en eventos creados específicamente.

Como en todo, hay subgéneros del shuffle, en este caso sólo 3:

  • Shuffle old-school: El estilo que se bailaba en los 90 en Melbourne, aún sigue vigente.
  • Shuffle hardstyle: Creado por los malasios, es mucho más dinámico y agresivo, los movimientos son más rápidos, etecé.
  • Soft Shuffle: Más relajado y elegante.

El baile se basa en tres movimientos básicos: el runing man, el T-Step y los Hat tricks.

  • El runing man sería andar sin moverse (nuestro querido MJ lo hacía en sus conciertos) pero incluso simular que se suben escalones.
  • El t-step es una serie de movimientos que simulan hacer una T con los pies.
  • Y los hat tricks hace referencia a un complemento que suelen llevar los shufflers, el gorro, utilizándolo para hacer movimientos con los brazos.

Tambien pueden hacer giros y algún salto para decorar el baile.

Su estética se basa en una camiseta, generalmente de colores neón (a conjunto con el pantalón) o simplemente una con el logo de la crew que pertenece. Lo más característico serían los phats, unos pantalones muy amplios, que casi no dejan ver los zapatos, dando la sensación de que levitan o exagerando el deslizamiento (incluso pueden untarse la suela con harina o pegar un plástico para facilitarlo).

Los pantalones suelen llevar unos dibujos reflectantes, bastante grandes, así como complementos como tirantes o cintas forsforito para brillar a la mínima luz que haya.

Suelen costar unos 100 euros.

Rabu, 08 Juli 2009

Últimos capítulos de cabo a rravo.

Como os prometí, dejo los últimos capítulos de Cabo a Rravo. El capítulo cinco vendría a ser una recopilación de tomas falsas y de material no incluido en los vídeos, mientras que el seis es el doble de largo que un capítulo normal. Espero que los disfrutéis.


Sabtu, 04 Juli 2009

Akiba- kei y otakus

Todos sabemos que en territorio occidental el término otaku hace referencia a un apasionado del manga y anime, así como de la cultura nipona.

En Japón, otaku (おたく/オタク) tiene una connotación negativa, vendría a significar maniático. El Otaku japonés no hace referencia sólo a obsesionados del manga, si no tiene una similitud con el freak o friki occidental, es decir, alguien fanático de un tema ( pasokon Otaku vendría a ser fan de los ordenadores, etecé).

Los Otakus suelen rondar por el barrio de Akihabara, un distrito de Chiyoda, en Tokio. Es el barrio tecnológico por excelencia, además de poseer una gran cantidad de anime, manga y merchandising de dichas series. Por eso es apodada Electric Town.

Así pues, Akiba-kei viene a significar Estilo Akihabara y es utilizado en un sentido elitista y superior, algo así como geek chic, es decir, lo más de lo más de Akihabara.

Los Akiba-kei suelen vestir igual que los otakus en Japón, es decir, camisa, pantalón chino, zapatos y los complementos que nunca fallan: gafas, mochila repleta de comics, manga o gadgets electrónicos recién comprados y un reloj digital.